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What is bizSAFE?

bizSAFE is a five-step programme to help your company to build up capabilities in addressing workplace safety, health and security.


















bizSAFE Awards

The annual bizSAFE Awards recognise bizSAFE Enterprises for their commitment and improvements in making workplaces safer and healthier, as well as bizSAFE Partners for their contributions to the bizSAFE community.


There are three categories in the bizSAFE Awards:


1. bizSAFE Partner Award

The bizSAFE Partner Award recognises bizSAFE Partners who have been proactive and committed in bringing SMEs onboard the bizSAFE programme by incorporating safety as part of their business model (e.g. having bizSAFE Level 3 as a criteria in procurement contracts).


2. bizSAFE Enterprise Exemplary Award

The bizSAFE Enterprise Exemplary Award recognises bizSAFE Enterprises that are on bizSAFE Level STAR and exudes commendable WSH performance.


3. bizSAFE Enterprise Progressive Award

The bizSAFE Enterprise Progressive Award gives recognition to bizSAFE Enterprises for their dedication to the bizSAFE programme by progressing from bizSAFE Level 1 to Level 3 within 6 months, and established Risk Management within their organization.



biz levels.jpg

Diagram from WSH Council

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