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Company Emergency Response Team (CERT)


CERT is a group of in-house first responders identified by a company to be competently trained in preventing any emergency from escalating into a major disaster. The primary objective of CERT is to mitigate and control an emergency situation during the initial stages prior to SCDF’s arrival and also to ensure operational synergy between the CERT and SCDF.


A CERT must be capable of containing an incipient threat, by swiftly mitigating an emergency situation according to established plans and procedures transcribed inside the company’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP) during an emergency.



CERT Organizational Structure


i. Site Main Controller (SMC)


Assumes the overall authority and responsibility in managing the emergency situation and liaising with officers from government agencies such as SCDF, SPF, NEA, etc. He/She will be the representative to link up with the Incident Manager (SCDF) to assist in the incident management.


ii. Site Incident Controllers (SIC)


Assumes command and control of the emergency response incident scene and co-ordinates the activities of all emergency responders, providing support to SCDF for mitigation of the emergency situation.


iii. Response Team (at least 4 members)


Conducts basic emergency response actions such as fire fighting, rescue and HazMat mitigation under the command of the SIC. Assists in emergency notification and public protective actions, accounting for personnel outside the hazard zone or implementing In-Place Protection (IPP) within the workplace.



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